
Sacramental Programs at Corpus Christi Parish, South Tuggeranong

The Sacraments are a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to renew their faith and to discover God, so that we become active members of the Body of Christ. We welcome you and your child into the life of our Parish through the Sacramental Programs.

Your child’s preparation for the reception of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are important opportunities for you to pass on your faith on to your child. Through your words, actions, and involvement in parish life, they learn what it means to be part of a faith community.

The Corpus Christi sacramental program is a parish based, school supported program. You are the first teacher of your child’s faith. In their preparation for the sacraments we, the parish and school community, will support you in the preparation of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. However, we rely on your involvement in home learning and presenting your child to the faith community at a weekend Mass.

Students Attending one of the parish schools of St Francis of Assisi, St Clare of Assisi and Holy Family, classroom lessons will be part of the support offered to you in your preparation of your child for the sacraments.

Our Parish School of Religion also supports children and their families in their preparation to receive the sacraments. Classes for children not attending our Catholic schools are held on Tuesday evenings at Holy Family Church from 6.30-7.30pm, school terms only.

If your child is a baptised Catholic, in Year 4 or above, they can be enrolled in the Reconciliation program. Students in Year 5 can be enrolled in the First Eucharist program. Confirmation preparation usually occurs in Year 6.

Enrolments are processed online via the Corpus Christi Parish Qkr! App. Manual enrolments can also be organised by contacting the parish office.

Online Enrolment for all sacraments are done through the first term of school.

Compulsory Components of all Sacramental Programs

As part of the preparation for each of the programs, parents and care-givers are required to:

Parish Team

6291 6688 or

Religious Education Co-ordinators:

Theresa Terry (Holy Family School)                    – 6292 1222

Susan Strickland (St Francis of Assisi School)    – 6292 4500

Rachel Kennedy (St Clare of Assisi School)      – 6294 1860

Parish School of Religion Coordinator:

Kim Peisley  – Contact Parish Office 62916688