Altar Servers

Altar Serving in our Parish

What does it mean to be an Altar Server?

As an altar server, you are involved in some of the holiest and most sacred events in our tradition of Catholic worship. Mass is a combination of Word and Sacrament. Altar servers exercise an important role: helping the Priest to lead God’s people in prayer. The care and attention that Altar servers give to their ministry allows the prayer of the Church to take place with reverence and beauty. The ministry of assisting in the sanctuary enhances the beauty of the celebration for all who have been gathered together to pray – so know what you are doing and do it well!

What does an Altar Server do?

  • Helps set up the church for mass
  • Participates in the entrance procession
  • Helps the priest and deacon during mass
  • Helps at weddings, funerals, and other special masses

What are the Qualifications to be an altar server?

Altar servers must be in at least the 4th grade.

For more information please contact parish office: