
“A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25)

Without your financial support we cannot continue to do what we are called to do, the pastoral life of people in our care, outreach, sacramental and faith formation of our parish and wider community. Thank you once again. Your generosity helps us to pay the utility, rates, salaries, insurances etc. and attend to the maintenance and upkeep of our heritage and other buildings for the future generations. Supporting our parish and clergy is like supporting your own family, the spiritual family. Your giving support both Clergy and Parish.

There are different ways of contributing, many parishioners give their weekly/monthly or yearly donation electronically: –

  • Tap & go PayWave machines in the foyer of the church
  • Direct debit through your bank account
  • Direct charge on your credit card
  • Paying through Qkr App
  • BPOINT through our website

These forms of giving will ensure some certainty for the Parish Finance Committee to plan and budget our expenses.

  • Alternatively, you can give through envelops placed in the church, marked as first collection (supporting clergy) and Second collection (supporting parish).

Together, let us build the church and sustain it for the future generations. Pledge cards are available in the foyer of the church.