The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Now is the time to say to Jesus:
“Lord, I have let myself be deceived; in a thousand ways I have shunned Your love,
yet here I am once more, to renew my covenant with You. I need You.
Save me once again, Lord, take me once more into Your redeeming embrace”.
How good it feels to come back to Him whenever we are lost!
Let me say this once more: God never tires of forgiving us;
we are the ones who tire of seeking His mercy.
-Pope Francis, Evangelli Gaudium, 3
Weekly confessions (Reconciliation) are held at HFC, Gowrie
Saturday 10.00 am – 10.30 am & 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Sunday 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm
First Reconciliation
The First Reconciliation Program at Corpus Christi will run in Term 4.
First Reconciliation Formation Night – for Parents
This session is designed for adult learning and formation session, giving new insights into reflections on the First Reconciliation. You need to attend one of these sessions:
More detailed information regarding First Reconciliation will be shared at this meeting as well.
First Reconciliation Commitment Masses
Please present your child to the parish community as a candidate for First Reconciliation by attending one of the weekend Masses through the commitment period, which will be communicated to families who have enrolled their children for First Reconciliation. Commitment Forms will be given out at the Parent Formation Night. Our Weekend Mass times are:
- Saturday at 6.00pm
- Sunday at 8.00am, 10.00am OR 6.00pm
First Reconciliation Retreat Days –
Days of Reflection and Prayer
All retreat days are held at Holy Family Church Gowrie (and surrounds)
Children attending one of our three parish primary schools will attend school as normal.
St Clare of Assisi and St Francis of Assisi schools will be bussed to and from the church. Parents of all other children will need to make their own travel arrangements.
Marist and Parish School of Religion students can be dropped off at Holy Family Church.
Lunch will be provided. Students need to bring fruit, recess, hat and coloured pencils and pens in a pencil case.
Times for each of the Retreat Days: 9.30am-2.15pm
Home Prayer Sessions
Parents and Carers will be required to work through four prayer activity sessions with their child over a period of four weeks. The sessions are meant to be 30 minutes long, starting with a reflection, an activity and a prayer.
First Reconciliation Celebration
First Reconciliation will be celebrated during a dedicated weekday evenings. Number of days of celebration will be determined by final enrolment numbers and will be provided to enrolled families when finalised.
If you have any questions about the program please contact the Parish Office or talk to a member of the parish team.
Parish Team
- Parish Sacramental Coordinator:
Anne Gowen - Fr James T Antony CMI (Parish Priest)
- Fr Namora Anderson (Assistant Priest)
- Evelyn or Maureen (Parish Secretaries)
6291 6688 or