Music Ministry

“Oh sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth!” (Psalm 96:1–6)

The Parish has a variety of music groups that regularly assist at weekend Masses and at other times throughout the year. A number of the groups have been playing at Mass for many years and some have only formed recently. The musical tradition of the Church is very much about assisting the congregation to enter fully into the liturgy to be nourished and sustained in the sacred celebration of the Mass. The music groups and singers are there to assist the congregation to pray and to workshop. The focus is on prayer, not performance, and the aim is to enable the congregation to sing.

Combined Corpus Christi Choir

The Combined Corpus Christi Choir has been a feature of our celebrations at Easter and Christmas. It gives people from the various music groups in the parish the opportunity to work together and to share their skills. It also gives some parishioners who aren’t a part of our regular music groups the opportunity to sing and to play.