St Vincent De Paul

St Vincent de Paul Conferences: St Francis of Assisi Calwell and Holy Family Gowrie.

Corpus Christi Parish has two St Vincent de Paul Conferences. St Francis of Assisi Calwell and Holy Family Gowrie ministering to companions in the local areas. Our dedicated volunteers from the parish respond daily to calls from the Vinnies Helpline. We provide emergency assistance with material and necessities such as: food, clothing, bedding and household goods, assistance with paying bills as well as advocacy, referrals, and companionship. The St Francis of Assisi Calwell conference assists companions in areas such as: Banks, Calwell, Conder, Gordon and Theodore while the Holy Family Gowrie Conference assists companions in areas such as Gowrie, Chisholm, Richardson and Gilmore.

Conferences form the primary basic unit of the St Vincent de Paul Society and operate in accordance with The Rule of the Society. Our conference members are a diverse group of people who carry out the “good works” of the Society in the Archdiocese. Members are the backbone of the Society, helping companions in a number of ways, giving them a ‘hand up’ to make life-changing decisions. Conference members also determine the strategic direction of the Society and how best to provide our programs and services to people in need. For over 180 years, Home Visitation and Emergency Relief have remained the core work of the Society. Inspired by the Society’s founders in 1833, our Conference Members (volunteers) continue to visit people in their homes or within Vinnies Centres to provide support, friendship and material assistance.

Conference contacts:

St Francis of Assisi Calwell

President: Frances Neuss

Holy Family Gowrie

          President: Paula Bounds

Enquiries, please contact:  13 18 12