Our Councils – Change Heading

Parish Pastoral Council

A parish pastoral council is, per Canon 536 #1, “composed of members of the congregation together with those of the parish staff who have pastoral care by reason of their office. The Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish.” The mission of the council is to play a co-responsible and collaborative role of leadership in our parish, alongside the priest, staff and the parish community.

Parish Pastoral Council Members 2024:

  • Rachel Kennedy (Chair and SCA representative)
  • Tiffany Reedy
  • Angus Tully
  • David Yacanisky
  • Karen Haines
  • Gabrielle O’Brien
  • Alwyn Dantis
  • Theresa Terry (HFS representative)
  • Sharee Thomas (SFA representative)
  • Anne Gowen (Safeguarding officer)
  • Kristy Everding (Safeguarding officer)
  • Christopher Gilroy (CE Youth Faith Formation representative)
  • Chiara Strmota and Osley Gwese (Parish Youth Ministers)
  • Fr Namora Anderson
  • Fr James T Antony CMI

Parish Finance Council

The 1983 Code of Canon Law introduced a new and separate consultative body to parish life. “In each parish there is to be a finance council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by norms issued by the diocesan Bishop.” (c. 537)

The purpose of the parish Finance Council is to provide the pastor with a group of Christian faithful who will aid him in the administration of parish goods according to these norms. While distinct from the Pastoral Council of the parish, this Finance Council is to serve the goals and objectives set forth by the Pastoral Council, both being guided by the mission statement of the parish.

The Finance Council, like the Pastoral Council, is a unit of service, not authority. If you have questions for the Council, please contact the following parishioners who form Corpus Christi Parish Finance Council:

  • Gerard Heffernan,
  • Adeline Chea,
  • Leanne Boyd, and
  • Brigita Osolnik.